Photo by JLD Photography
G.R Greer
G.R Greer’s writing has been described as “powerful” and “heartbreaking”. G.R is a gay Scottish playwright, screenwriter, and filmmaker who resides in Glasgow.
G.R graduated from Queen Margaret University’s BA (Hons) Drama and Performance course with a First-Class Honours Degree in 2016. The same year he began his MLitt in Playwriting and Screenwriting at The University of St Andrews where he graduated in December 2017.
He likes to write in his mother tongue; Scots, and likes to explore the horror and darkest parts of the human experience by examining how society views taboo subjects. A major aim in G.R’s work is to create complex characters who are under-represented in theatre, film, and television.
G.R’s short film directorial debut SKIN, won five awards on the short film festival circuit in the categories of Best Actress and Best Covid 19 Short Film. G.R has recently filmed the trailer for his proof of concept short film called The Revenge Club.
G.R recently started his Master’s in Filmmaking and directed his first short documentary which is currently in post-production. He also filmed a teaser trailer for a short film during summer 2022, which is currently in pre-production to be filmed in 2023.
Credits Include: The Revenge Club (GRG PRODUCTIONS), SKIN (GRG PRODUCTIONS) Séance (Scottish Youth Theatre), Big Fat Gay (DGAF/PCS), The Senescence of a Leaf (In Motion Theatre Company/See Me), Undertakers (PCS/Wigtown Book Festival), Human (Queen Margaret University/Living Memory Association)
PCS Credits: “Silent Architect” REMOTE CONTROL (2018 Tour), Mentee (18/19), Artist Lab 1, 2, 3 & 4