Grant Redmond play is a Scottish comedy thriller following a turbulent day in the life of three undertakers. This rehearsed reading is directed by Fraser Macleod and performed by members of Performance Collective Stranraer.
“Poof… naw no ‘im. I’m talkin’ aboot Oscar Wilde.”
Glasgow, Leighton Funeral Parlour.
Lee and Marky are preparing a body for burial, discussing Oscar Wilde’s sexuality and their own sex lives when Cam, their colleague appears in a doorway covered in blood, muttering “I fuckin’ killed ‘im. I killed ‘im.” Cam soon confesses to a murder in the back alley… and the three squabble,
frantically run around and cosmetically cover-up, all in the pursuit of doing the right thing [or something close to it].
“Undertakers” is a chilling, farcical new play by emerging writer Grant Redmond exploring sexuality, trust and the duality of identity. Originally from Stranraer, Grant completed his MLitt in Playwriting and Screenwriting from St Andrews in 2017 and has been mentored recently by Lesley Hart, through Performance Collective Stranraer’s [PCS] Mentoring Programme. 20 minutes of Undertakers was shown at Wigtown Book Festival in 2017, and has been developed through PCS’ Artist Development Labs